R packages

statConfR: Models of Decision Confidence and Metacognition

The statConfR R package provides fitting functions and other tools for decision confidence and metacognition researchers, including meta-d′/d′ (Maniscalco and Lau, 2012), often considered to be the gold standard to measure metacognitive efficiency. Also allows to fit nine different static models of decision making and confidence to test the model underlying meta-d′/d′ and many applications of signal detection theory (see Rausch et al., 2023).
Authors: Manuel Rausch, Sebastian Hellmann
Maintainer: Manuel Rausch
Development version: https://github.com/ManuelRausch/StatConfR
Release version: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/statConfR/index.html
Bug Reports: https://github.com/ManuelRausch/StatConfR/issues
Preprint: Rausch, M., & Hellmann, S. (2024). statConfR: An R Package for Static Models of Decision Confidence and Metacognition. PsyArXiv. doi:10.31234/osf.io/dk6mr | pre-print

dynConfiR: Dynamic Models for Confidence and Response Time Distributions

The dynConfiR R package provides density functions for the joint distribution of choice, response time and confidence for discrete confidence judgments as well as functions for parameter fitting, prediction and simulation for various dynamical models of decision confidence (see Hellmann et al., 2023, and Hellmann et al., 2024, for detailed explanations of the different models), including the dynaViTE model, the dynWEV model, the 2DSD model (Pleskac & Busemeyer, 2010), and several race models.
Authors: Sebastian Hellmann, Manuel Rausch
Maintainer: Sebastian Hellmann
Development version: https://github.com/SeHellmann/dynConfiR
Release version: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dynConfiR/index.html
Bug Reports: https://github.com/SeHellmann/dynConfiR/issues